07 September 2012

Queenie Kitchen: Homecook ABC Soup

If I am planning to stay at home during weekend, I love to boil a pot of soup which able to let me drink them all day long. Aromatic of soup when it's boiling diffuse entire house, I call it the smell of home sweet home. Well you can boiled this comfy soup within twenty bucks. 

Ingredients are pretty simple, all you need is pork ribs. Amount like pix above is just enough for two. After that get some fresh veggies. Potato, carrot, onion & tomato are the main ingredients to provide the sweet and sour taste of soup. You can add in tofu, ham choi (pickled veggies) as your own flavor. I skipped it for I couldn't dig any from my fridge. 

I dun like the plastic skin appear in my soup, so I love to peel them off  before throwing in my soup pot. Use a small knife cut a cross, soak in hot water for just 20 sec, and you will see it peeled automatically. 

This step is a must before you start boiling soup: Boil pork ribs separately for a while, to remove pork's shifty smell.

Chop them all in cube size.

Throw them all in a big pot.

Add in water and boiled them about two hours. Add in salt for flavors when it almost done.

Ta da here you are, my homecook ABC soup!