27 October 2012

Queenie Kitchen: Unusual Tomato Egg

Tomato egg, a egg dish cooked with tomato, a very simple dish that I bet everyone know how to make it. But today I'm going to make it in another way. Same ingredients, a brand new experience of tomato egg. Recipe below is served for two, me n my Mr. I use the ratio of two tomatoes with four eggs to make this dish. Now lets follow me what to do! :)

First halve your tomato, grilled them into golden shades, with some sprinkle of salt.

Put them aside when is done.

Second step, making egg gravy. I am going seasons my eggs with a big spoon of tomato sauce, salt & pepper for taste. After all beat them well.

This step is going to add extra smooth taste of gravy. Pour in a big spoon of olive oil (optional, you can use melted butter as well)
This part need some skill. Eggs have to be cooked in just-nice level. What do I mean by just-nice? I tell you my egg gravy taste exactly same as cream. Heat your pan, pour in olive oil. I feel that the heat on pan enough to cook my egg , i turn of gas. Pour in eggs, followed with a very fast action. You can see I nonstop stir beaten eggs into cream foam. 

Here is my usual tomato egg, top with some freshly grind black pepper & parsley  Grilled tomato paired with humbly-turn-into-gravy eggs, definitely innovative one! Please try to make your own, and share your experience with us! :)

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